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Healthy Brains, Healthy Economies

A young person focused intently on the glow of a powerful incandescent lamp.

Dr. Sandi Chapman

As the pandemic continues to wreak havoc on the global economy, I believe that lasting recovery hinges on our ability to enhance brain health and performance. This is at the heart of Dr. Harris Eyre’s coalition proposing a Grand Strategy for Brain Capital, which I shared with you previously. We have a superpower: our brain. The way to enhance brain health lies in a new understanding of how to activate and propel the power within each of us. Science has overturned the outdated view that intellect is fixed and declines relentlessly as we age. This belief is not only inaccurate but also limits the immense power of the human mind. We now know that the brain changes constantly, for better or worse, based on how we use it – so make the choice to strengthen it day in and day out. Innovation builds brain health. Innovative thinking is one of our most powerful tools to strengthen our brain function and capacity – much like aerobic exercise builds cardiovascular fitness. This Thursday, we are hosting design innovation guru Bruce Mau as he gives a free master class on Unlocking Your Inner Innovator – join us! The possibilities are infinite. Now picture all the employees in a company leveraging their superpower of innovative thinking. Imagine entire communities. What a powerful driver of change and progress we will have, finding multiple ways to thrive in the future!
Sandi Chapmans signature
P.S. Don’t miss Unlocking Your Inner Innovator this Thursday, sign up here. See more messages from our Chief Director, Sandra Chapman, PhD.

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Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD

Chief Director Dee Wyly Distinguished Professor, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences Co-Leader, The BrainHealth Project

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