- Even though you may be spending unprecedented amounts of time together with your housemates, truly checking in and listening are more important than ever. Make time to come together and discuss what is working, what isn’t, and create solutions together. Consider how to support each other, deal with frustrations, overcome hurdles, and achieve small, doable goals.
- Start and end your day with an act of compassion. Begin with those in your immediate surroundings and expand to teachers (!!!), neighbors, service providers, co-workers and so forth. Keep a log of acts of compassion that you perform, as well as those you receive. At the end of each week, review the log and take stock of improvements in your stress and happiness.
- Discover and create the humor. Shared laughter strengthens social bonds and rewards your brain with dopamine, the feel-good hormone. Be intentional about finding daily opportunities to share a laugh, a wild experience, or an unexpected happening.