Participate in a Study

- The BrainHealth Project – The goal of The BrainHealth Project is to better improve brain health by identifying actionable strategies for optimizing it throughout life. Up to 100,000 healthy adults of all ages will be enrolled and tracked for at least ten years. You can complete the study entirely online through the BrainHealth app or your web browser.
- MRI Sub-Study– Participation in the MRI Sub-Study is available for those who are interested in receiving semiannual MRIs in the Dallas area, in addition to the online research activities in The BrainHealth Project. There will be additional screening to ensure participant safety.
- BrainHealthy College Study (ages 18+)
- Cognition Study Using Neurostimulation and EEG (ages 18-55)
- Focus and Relaxation Training Study (ages 18-65)
- Healthy Aging in the Brain (ages 20-35 and 55-70)
- Multiple Sclerosis Research Study (ages 18-65)