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PEER Brain Health Study

Teenager gestures while explaining something to her teacher.
Help us understand how participating in a health program with a peer might affect the brain!
We are recruiting teens and young adults to help us learn more about adolescent health behavior. This study will allow us to better develop interventions to help teens stay healthy.
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Who Is Eligible?

  • Fluent English speakers
  • Ages 18-19
  • Individuals who do not have unremovable metal on or in the body (e.g., braces or implants)

What Is Involved?

  • 1 In-Person Visit (involving questionnaires, peer health group and fMRI scanning)
  • 3 Required Virtual Follow-Ups (online and phone call)
  • Compensation for time and travel up to $225

Why join?

Your participation will help us develop health programs to help teens and young adults in the future.
Participating in our studies is 100% voluntary.