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Brain Capital Fuels our NEW Brain Economy

A three-dimensional, computer-generated drawing of a brain.

Dr. Sandi Chapman

Dear friends,Over the past six months, I have been sharing weekly messages of hope and empowerment based on science. My hope is that you are adopting some of these practical insights and tips to keep forward momentum in honing your brain skills.Today I want to zoom out to the bigger picture: what are applications and implications of brain health at a societal level?Let’s start with the premise that we are now living in a brain economy – or as my colleague Ian Robertson likes to say, the Era of the Mind. The job skills in greatest demand right now are cognitive, not manual. If nothing else, 2020 has shown us the imperative of resilience, social connectedness and flexible thinking – how many times have you heard the term “pivot” in the past half year?The concept of brain capital encompasses both brain health and performance as key contributors to thrive in this new brain economy. Each of us has the power to take charge of our own brain health. Imagine a world in which employers, institutions and entire communities facilitate and enhance brain capital and wellbeing for all as a top priority, reinforced through both culture and policy!As we embrace the potential for our nation and world to recover from COVID-19 and all other pervasive disruptions, our global BrainHealth Team predicts that brain capital will be the engine to recharge our economic and social health. Over the next few weeks, I’ll dive further into the urgent and rich opportunity before us.A rare chance is open this Friday, September 25 for you to learn more. One of the world’s genius minds and forward thinkers, Harris Eyre (MD, PhD) will be our Frontiers of BrainHealth speaker to share more about brain capital and why it’s so important. Don’t miss it!
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P.S. Go to LinkedIn and Facebook to view and share my posts.See more messages from our Chief Director, Sandra Chapman, PhD.

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Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD

Chief Director Dee Wyly Distinguished Professor, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences Co-Leader, The BrainHealth Project

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