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Brain Training "Everyone" Should Do Daily Revealed by Neuroscientist

A multigenerational family plays the string game cat's cradle.


Pandora Dewan


In the pursuit of optimal brain health and cognitive function throughout life, cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Sandi Chapman dispels the notion that cognitive decline is inevitable with age. Dr. Chapman advocates for proactive brain training, emphasizing that just as muscles need exercise, the brain requires continual stimulation for optimal development, and recommends everyday exercises and habitual practices to promote brain health and wellbeing.Dr. Chapman highlights the dynamic nature of the brain, refuting the misconception that the brain becomes stagnant after a person's 20s and encouraging individuals of all ages to engage in brain training exercises, emphasizing the importance of approaching brain health with a preventative mindset and asserting that it is never too early or too late to prioritize cognitive fitness.


"The brain changes—both losses and gains, every moment of every day, our whole lives. This means that it is never too soon—or too late—to take charge of our brain's health and fitness. Just like we do not wait to start brushing our teeth until we have a mouth full of cavities, we should not wait to train our brains until we detect some kind of decline."Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD
Read the full article in Newsweek

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Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD

Chief Director Dee Wyly Distinguished Professor, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences Co-Leader, The BrainHealth Project

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