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How to Change Your Mind so You Can Change Your Body


KERA Think


BrainHealth speaker Selena Bartlett, PhD, joins Krys Boyd, host of KERA's Think, to share highlights from her book Smashing Mindset: Train Your Brain to Reboot, Recharge and Reinvent Your Life. After spending 20 years studying the mechanisms of alcohol addition, Dr. Bartlett shifted her attention to sugar, noting that sugar changes the brain in the same way as alcohol and nicotine, by causing the release of feel-good neurochemicals that cause ongoing cravings and actually prevent us from finding healthy and lasting ways to relieve stress. Dr. Bartlett provides insight into how and why our brains can prevent us from knowing when we are under extreme stress, and reveals a variety of approaches to becoming more self-aware and proactive about finding brain-healthy ways to release those feel-good neurochemicals your brain wants and needs. Dr. Bartlett is Group Leader of Addiction and Obesity at the Translational Research Institute, Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation and Professor in Clinical Sciences at the Queensland University of Technology, and host of the podcast Thriving Minds.Enjoy Dr. Bartlett's recent BrainHealth talks on YouTube:Listen to the entire podcast on KERA's Think

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