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Functional Performance in a Virtual Reality Task With Differential Executive Functional Loads

Man in a VR headset inside a living room, holding two VR controllers.

Computers in Human Behavior Reports

Zhengsi Chang, Brandon Piresa and Daniel Krawczyk

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The authors of this study used a virtual reality-based functional task to show how executive functional load can impact the order in which individuals complete a task. Using a modified version of the Virtual Reality Functional Capacity Assessment Tool, these researchers examined executive function performance in college students. As the executive load increased, participants used different processing patterns to complete tasks. Further, qualitative analysis showed a decrease in performance as executive load increased. While this research aimed to study executive function, the study also highlights the use of VR as a method of functional assessment.
Chart showing functional performance in a virtual reality task with differential executive functional loads.

Table 1. Five subtasks in the kitchen session of VRFCAT.

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Daniel Krawczyk, PhD

Deputy Director of Research Debbie and Jim Francis Chair and Professor, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences


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