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Sparking Your Brain Health Revolution

Smiling guests at a Center for BrainHealth event share a 3-D printed brain with the camera.

People Newspapers

Sandra Bond Chapman


Center for BrainHealth Chief Director Sandi Chapman, PhD, shares good news, bad news – and some great news in this energetic editorial.Human longevity has doubled over the last few centuries, yet too often our bodies outlast our brains. But the great news is that neuroplasticity empowers us to break this pattern. Initial findings from The BrainHealth Project show promising results for participants who apply science-based brain health training to navigating challenges in everyday life. The project is the center's ten-year, longitudinal study focused on identifying determinants of brain health and performance. Participants 18 and up get to be part of brain health research while accessing a science-backed toolkit to build and measure their brain fitness while tracking improvement over time.Read the full article in the People Newspapers

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Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD

Chief Director Dee Wyly Distinguished Professor, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences Co-Leader, The BrainHealth Project

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