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This is Your Brain on Aging

Stacy Vernon, MS, LPC, is head of programs and adult assessment at Center for BrainHealth.

KERA's Think


How the brain ages is very similar to how the body ages. Just as we can improve our heart health and our joint health, we can improve our brain health through daily activities. Center for BrainHealth's Stacy Vernon joins KERA's Krys Boyd to talk about how a brain-healthy lifestyle impacts the aging brain, and popular topics like how to become a “super ager" and whether advancing age makes demanding work more difficult.


"Within research, we talk about 'mid-life' and 'old age,' but just as in society we are changing those definitions, also within the field of cognitive research, we are changing those definitions. I work with lots of folks in their 80s and 90s who are really challenging this notion of what it means to be 'old.' ... What if we level the playing field of cognitive performance so that there aren't arbitrary cut offs? If we begin to look at cognition as being more fluid and dependent on lifestyle factors? We see that there is a lot of variability even as we get to an older age." – Stacy Vernon, MS, LPC, Program Manager and Head of Adult Assessment
Listen to the full interview on KERA's Think

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Stacy Vernon, MS, LPC

Program Manager, Head of Adult Assessment

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