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Focus on the Arts: This is Your Brain on Music

Woman reclining on white carpet, relaxing and listening with headphones.

WRR Classical 101

Amy Bishop


In this "Focus on the Arts" radio feature, Bonnie Pittman joins WRR's Amy Bishop to discuss into the transformative power of music and art on the brain. Bonnie reveals how music helped her adopt a positive mindset while recovering from illness. Experiencing the impact of art and music on the brain motivates Bonnie to encourage others to engage in brain-healthy strategies that promote overall well-being. Bonnie shares insights into how the center's BrainHealth Week, running February 20-24, has been created to engage every aspect of the brain – "the playful brain, the intellectual brain, the artistic brain."


“If you want to improve your body, you go to a gym. If you want to improve your brain… go to museums and look at art, go to concerts, listen to music.” – Bonnie Pitman, Director of Art-Brain Innovations at UT Dallas’ Center for Brain Health
Listen to the full segment on WRR 101.1

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Bonnie Pitman

Director Art-Brain Innovations Distinguished Scholar in Residence for The Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History (EODIAH)


Chronic Illness Cost This Former Dallas Museum Director Her Career. Embracing Novelty Gave Her New Life.

Working with UT Dallas’ Center for BrainHealth, Bonnie Pitman uses her expertise in art to help both physicians and people living with debilitating conditions.