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Cortex Society: Frontal Level

To mark our 25th anniversary, Center for BrainHealth has unveiled the Cortex Society to recognize individuals, corporations and foundations whose donations collectively empower our development, growth, and achievement.
The Cortex Society recognizes the donors who have made so much of Center for BrainHealth's success possible, based upon cumulative lifetime giving.
Members at the Frontal Level have each contributed $1 million dollars or more.

Donor List

These members have contributed at the Frontal Level.

Anonymous (3)
Mr. Frederic B. Asche
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald T. Baldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Berman
Mrs. Dianne Cash
Mr. and Mrs. David Disiere
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ehlers
Estate of Janet DeSanders
Mr. and Mrs. Don Freeman
Hamon Charitable Foundation
Harold Simmons Foundation
Ms. Kim Hiett Jordan
Kozmetsky Family Foundation
Lattner Family Foundation, Inc.
Lyda Hill Philanthropies
Ms. Marlane Miller
NexPoint Advisors, L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross Perot, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Robuck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Rouse
Sammons Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Smith
Southwestern Medical Foundation
T. Boone Pickens Foundation
The Eugene McDermott Foundation
The Hoglund Foundation
The Meadows Foundation
The Trinity Family Foundation
Mrs. W. Ray Wallace
Mr. Joel T. Williams, Jr.
Mrs. Charles J. Wyly, Jr.
The Cortex Society recognition is based on cumulative lifetime giving for all individuals, corporations and foundations supporting Center for BrainHealth since our founding in 1999. Charitable bequests and other deferred gift commitments are included in this recognition.
For individuals who have made personal gifts and others through a family foundation, donor advised fund, or other giving mechanisms, Center for BrainHealth recognizes each source separately for Cortex Society membership. Upon request, donors may combine these sources into just one listing in the appropriate Cortex Society level to reflect all lifetime gifts from all sources.
Make this request by contacting Gail Cepak at 972-883-3408 or gail.cepak@utdallas.edu.