| Special Issue Guest Editor, “Aging and the neural-vascular complex,” Psychophysiology |
| Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism |
| Ad-hoc Reviewer, Multiple Sclerosis Journal |
| Academic Editor, PLoS One |
| Editor, Brain Connectivity |
| Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Neuroscience |
| Ad-hoc Reviewer, Neurobiology of Aging |
| Ad-hoc Reviewer, Nature-Neuroscience |
| Ad-hoc Reviewer, Cerebral Cortex |
| Ad-hoc Reviewer, Human Brain Mapping |
| Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience |
| Ad-hoc Reviewer, NeuroImage |
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| Editorial Consultant, Nature-Neuroscience |
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| Consulting Editor, Developmental Psychology |