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Exploring Markers of Brain Health With EEG and TMS

Center for BrainHealth's Exploring Markers of Brain Health With EEG and TMS: A Pilot Study.


This study seeks to explore markers of brain health through electroencephalogram (EEG) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), two non-invasive procedures that track brain stimulation. See eligibility and participation details below.
Interested in learning more? Schedule a call with the study coordinator.

Who is a good fit?

You may be eligible if you are currently:
  • In the brain imaging cohort of The BrainHealth Project.
  • 22 years or older.

What will you do?

Participation involves:
  • Two (2) in-person sessions (~2 hours each) at Center for BrainHealth (within 2 weeks of your next imaging sessions).
  • During these sessions, wearing a device that stimulates and records your brain activity.

Why participate?

Your data will help us better understand brain markers of health and performance.