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Brain Health Program Helps Dallas Police Officers Fight Information Overload

Training by Center for BrainHealth in order to aid the Dallas Police Department in tactical decision-making, real-time problem-solving and regulating emotional responses to stress.

To help combat the mental stress that police officers face on the job, the Center for BrainHealth at the University of Texas at Dallas has developed a program to help police in Dallas make better decisions. The Strategic Memory Advanced Reasoning Tactics program, also known as SMART™, is designed to help officers deal with information overload, says Jennifer Zientz, the head of clinical services at the Center for BrainHealth. "SMART is built to help individuals to become more agile thinkers, better complex problem solvers, to become filterers of information," she said, "but also to be deep-level thinkers and innovators." Read full story on Kera News Published on Kera News July 11, 2018  

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