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The Art of Kindness 2019

To kick-off the Kindness Initiative and celebrate World Kindness Day, high school students from across the Dallas area competed in The Art of Kindness art contest.

Empathy Is an Important Social Skill

On November 13, 2019, nine high school students celebrated World Kindness Day by showcasing their work to kick off the Center for BrainHealth's first Art of Kindness event. Sharing remarkable depth and thoughtfulness, these young artists took complex neuroscience concepts and tied them to personal life experiences, expressing profound and sensitive ideas in creative and engaging ways.

Art of Kindness

Curious about the neuroscience of kindness? An interdisciplinary collaboration with UT Dallas programs in art and technology and computer science, Art of Kindness explores the link between empathy and kindness through an annual student art contest.

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Related Information

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Empathy Is an Important Social Skill

On November 13, 2019, nine high school students celebrated World Kindness Day by showcasing their work to kick off the Center for BrainHealth's first Art of Kindness event. Sharing remarkable depth and thoughtfulness, these young artists took complex neuroscience concepts and tied them to personal life experiences, expressing profound and sensitive ideas in creative and engaging ways.