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Center for BrainHealth's Brain³ stands for BrainHealth, Brain Science, Brainomics™.

Recordings from Brain³ Summit, February 21-22, 2024

We invite you to share the Brain³ Summit experience and take action in your community – become inspired by these innovators and changemakers as they reveal the best thinking on the power of proactive, preventive brain health and its enormous economic benefit.
Find photos in our Summit photo album and expanded Tech Expo album


Leading Experts Have Set the Stage for Better Solutions


Concepting New Paths to Transform Every Sector of Society

a nonprofit cognitive neuroscience research center of UT Dallas

An athlete gazes triumphantly into a bright horizon.
Research shows that when we adopt healthier brain habits, cognitive function can often be enhanced or extended.
Since 1999, Center for BrainHealth has been committed to researching and publishing the latest brain health science discoveries and bringing new science-backed approaches to the public.
We celebrate our 25th anniversary with the launch of the Great Brain Gain – inspiring people to focus on proactive gains rather than drains. Our goal is to empower communities to strengthen brain fitness through daily habits that make a difference.