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UT Dallas Campus Activation

BrainHealth Week

February 24-March 1

On-Campus Challenges and Events to Boost Brain Health

UTD's Center for BrainHealth with School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS) faculty presented a week-long series of events and lectures promoting brain-healthy habits.
Center for BrainHealth invites UTD students, faculty, staff and alumni to got involved at main campus during our third annual BrainHealth Week.
Sign up to receive BrainHealth Week highlights and takeaways, free of charge.

BrainHealth Rocks! Monday-Friday

Looking out for painted rocks in core academic areas

Participants took a photo with the rock, moved it to a new spot, and posted a selfie to celebrate BrainHealth Week – tagging Center for BrainHealth for a chance to win prizes!
Thank you to our BrainHealth Champions, student volunteers who helped made this and other BrainHealth Week fun happen.
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BrainHealth Week at UTD

Strengthen brain-healthy behavior with events and challenges at UTD's main campus. Each day's theme showcases a different brain-healthy practice.

BrainHealthy College Study

Colorful model of the human brain.
Interested in participating in a campus-focused research study?
Center for BrainHealth at UT Dallas is leading the BrainHealthy College Program, a research study aiming to find effective ways to measure, track and improve brain health for college students, faculty and staff at UT Dallas and Dallas College. Center for BrainHealth is a nonprofit research institute of The University of Texas at Dallas and recognized pioneer and leader in advancing the science and practice of brain health.
The third annual BrainHealth Week brings together members of the North Texas community to learn about brain health and celebrate the potential each one of us holds.

About BrainHealth Week

The third annual BrainHealth Week brings together members of the North Texas community to learn about brain health and celebrate the potential each one of us holds.
Go for brain gains! Science shows brain gains are possible at every life stage. Rather than focusing on decline, disease and doubt, we want people to feel empowered to proactively improve brain fitness through simple daily practices that make a difference. This annual weeklong event is made possible through the support and partnership of individuals and organizations throughout Dallas-area communities.

Request highlights and takeaways

Drop your info in the form below, and we will contact you with info on how to obtain our free videos and resources from the week.